Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

🇯🇵How Living in Japan Shaped GMB's Method and Growth 🗻



Ryan and Andy do some good-ol'-days-ing about their early years in Japan... BUT it's actually relevant. We promise!Here's why:Moving to Japan to practice martial arts has had a huge impact on how we think about training, quality, and mastery.Our experience as teachers is one of the most fundamental components of the GMB Method. Every seen one of our videos and thought "that's a good explanation?" Well, this is why. Part of GMB is de-culturalizing movements that are most commonly seen in certain contexts and making them available to anyone. We've got some good stories in this one - a couple of them are pretty embarrassing - and we also wax philosophical on what it all means. Without Andy and Ryan both happening to live in Osaka circa 2008, there's be no GMB, but at a much deeper level, without the experiences we talk about in this episode, we simply wouldn't have been capable of coming up with any of this. Episode transcript and additional notesSupport the show (htt