Muay Thai Guy Podcast

MTG 051: Matt Lucas Talks "The Boxer's Soliloquy"



There's a lot more that goes along with Muay Thai than just the training (although that's obviously a big part of it) and Matt Lucas was able to capture certain intricacies of the grind that many people overlook in his new book "The Boxers Soliloquy."In my interview with Matt, we talk about how and why he decided to write the book and a lot of other topics including:His multiple trips to Thailand and what fighting/training was like there.Why he felt he needed a change from the daily grind working in the hospitality business and why Muay Thai was the answer.Why reading and writing is a passion of his and why he feels like it's a lost art nowadays.How many of his own experiences he was able to portray through his writings.What gave him the inspiration to write the book and why it's in soliloquy form.Why the book can be read by anyone regardless whether or not they know what Muay Thai is.The potential for the growth of Muay Thai and where he sees the future of the sport going.His future