New Solo

Starting Your Own Law Firm: Conversation with Jay Foonberg



Starting a law firm from scratch can be a daunting endeavor. With a down economy, limited budget, and not enough clients, solos can have a tough time breaking into the market. In her debut as the new host of New Solo, Adriana Linares interviews Jay Foonberg, the most influential author on the subject of starting your own law firm. Together they discuss where to find clients, how to get paid, and recommended practice areas. Tune in to learn how attorneys stay relevant with new technology, why it's important to train assistants, and how to sustain a long happy marriage. Jay Foonberg is the author of How To Start and Build a Law Practice (5th edition) and was a practicing attorney in Beverly Hills for over 40 years. He served in the ABA House of Delegates, is on the Advisory Council for the ABA Commission on Evaluation of the Rules of Professional Conduct, and was a founder of the ABA Law Practice Management Section. In addition to being an author of three other important books (all available from the ABA), Foon