
Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise (1987)



CW: Discussion of scenes of sexual assault from the film itself. For our 300th episode, the lovely Lauren Faits of the upcoming podcast She-Ra: Progressive of Power and Our Fair City joins us to talk about the cult 1987 anime film Royal Space Force: The Wings of Honneamise! From the makers of Evangelion, Honneamise is an early example of the fluid animation and mature themes that would fuel the anime craze of the 90s in the US. Set in an alternate Earth in which two steampunk societies gear up for war, the film follows a young man named Shiro and his desire to go the stars. Apart from one unfortunate scene, the film's a fascinating subject for discussion, so check out the episode along with our custom cocktail and drinking game! (Thanks to our sponsor Cards Against Humanity as part of the Chicago Podcast Coop!) Related links:  Watch Wings of Honneamise on HIDIVE!