Staring At Screens.

20. This Episode is Non-Refundable



On this week's episode, Dave gets his JRPGame on in the form of more Ni No Kuni and Persona 4 Golden, Vick discovers her latent ability for racing games in Real Racing 3, Joel finds a use for horse armor in DLC Quest, and we all get creeped out by Swedish folklore in Simogo's masterpiece Year Walk. We also discuss the bygone age of Expansion Packs, the maturing of the DLC era, and hint at the advent of the In-App-Purchase dynasty. Along the way we point fingers at The Sims, Warcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, the Mass Effect games, Red Dead Redemption, Borderlands 2, the Professor Layton games, and Batman: Arkham City. Name drops abound in this segment. Then in the mailbag section we get carried away and end up only having time enough to answer one question about predictions for the next generation of consoles. Even more name dropping ensues: Steambox, Ouya, PS4, Xbox Durango, Wii U, and even the Barbie games get a mention. Whut. If you have anything to add to our discussio