Staring At Screens.

18. Be My Valenthumb?



Gong Xi Fa Cai! We ring in the lunar new year with the critically acclaimed indie hit from Playdead — Limbo, the tongue-in-cheek adventure-platformer from DoubleFine — The Cave, and that highly addictive iOS tap-athon from LambdaMu — Pixel People. Special Mention also goes to the upcoming DLC for Assassins Creed 3: The Tyranny of King Washington and the inexplicable Hitman movie reboot. And because it's also Valentines Day this week, our topic of the week is Video Game Characters that We Would Consider Dating. Find out who in the SAS crew would date royalty for the perks, who could stand to make better life choices, and who has a thing for busty ladies. (Spoiler-alert depending on your KOTOR in-game choices: "Bastila-dies". ) Now if you follow us on Twitter @StaringScreens (How are you not yet following us on Twitter??) you may have seen some photos of our hot-off-the-presses swag in action. That's right Dear Listener, if you haven't already figured it out, the sticky things we teased in last week's episode a