What Were You Thinking - All About Exotic Pets & Animals You Can Keep As A Pet - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferad

PetLifeRadio.com - What Were You Thinking - Episode 76 The Full-Year-in-the-Making Birding Show, Part Two



In part two of the birding show that took a full year to produce, Book Character Bill Holm blows the lid off the fraud that he considers ‘birding by ear’ to be and Bob defends the practice as they recap the 19 warbler species seen the previous day at Magee Marsh in Ohio. Then they set out with open ears if not open minds for day two, though they were spoiled by so many birds on day one, they don’t bird nearly as hard. Bill wows the boardwalk crowd with his Swainson’s Thrush expertise while Bob wonders if he brought enough one-dollar bills, since a very cooperative Prothonotary Warbler was obviously angling for a tip. What a migration! What a show! Questions or Comments? Email Bob at: bob@petliferadio.com More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - The Full-Year-in-the-Making Birding Show, Part Two with Bob Tarte