What Were You Thinking - All About Exotic Pets & Animals You Can Keep As A Pet - Pets & Animals On Pet Life Radio (petliferad

PetLifeRadio.com - What Were You Thinking - Episode 56 Not a Non-Bird Birding Show, Take 2 (Part 1)



Six weeks ago, Bob Tarte and Book Character Bill Holm visited the usually ‘birdy’ Muskegon Wastewater facility to record the "Not a Non-Bird Birding Show," but the lack of birds doomed the podcast. This time they traveled to Magee Marsh in Ohio at the height of the warbler migration for a not-a-non-bird birding podcast that’s, well, not too bad. They ended up with such extensive on-the-scene reporting and so much baseless complaining especially from Bill, that "Not a Non-Bird Birding Show, Take 2" ended up as a two-parter. Get an up-close, you-are-there aural glimpse at birder frenzy at its best and worst. And find out why Bob packed his dress shoes. More details on this episode MP3 Podcast - Not a Non-Bird Birding Show, Take 2 (Part 1) with Bob Tarte