Reel45 Podcast With Greg Hancock And Stefan Juhnell

Episode 5- PK, what's going behind the glasses?



Welcome to Reel 45 Podcast and Episode 5 with Peter Karlsson. This is an epic insight behind the glasses of PK. Stefan and I begin the episode with a 40th Birthday surprise for Stefan himself. We took a bus to Stockholm, enjoyed a really manly spa day :)) followed by a cool chat about the day and the approach to my interview with PK. Stefan was away in the UK so I made the interview with PK alone but I had a surprise guest who joined us unexpectedly and that was his brother Mikael Max. I had the chance to dig a little into their family history and what kind of life they led on their way to becoming International Speedway Riders and Legends. Wow, we go way back and have develped a respectful firendship over the years plus we've shared so many cool experiences throughout the world of speedway. This turned out to be a long interview but you wont regret taking the time to hear their story and we only scratched the surface. It's so cool!!! :() Thanks PK and Max.   Be sure to follow, subscribe and give a review for