Sugar Creek Baptist Church Audio Podcast

How Can I Find Lasting Happiness?



ANSWERING LIFE’S BIGGEST QUESTIONS, Part 2 – How Can I Find Lasting Happiness? (Ecclesiastes 2) Everyone wants to be happy. All of us want a happiness that is deep enough to withstand the storms of life. The Bible calls that kind of lasting happiness, joy. Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, “What does it matter how long I live if I don’t enjoy life while I am living? So, how do we acquire that deep abiding happiness and joy? You really actually can have it! But, it doesn’t come in the ways most people imagine. We are in a series entitled SEARCH: Answering Life’s Biggest Questions going through the Book of Ecclesiastes. This weekend, the Bible will answer the question, How Can I Have Lasting Happiness? I think you might be surprised at the answer because its closer to you than maybe you realized.