Gmb Fitness Show - Physical Autonomy

Pushing Yourself



There's not a more cliché phrase in all of fitness, but here goes: if you want to improve, you have to push yourself. Pushing yourself is hard, and it can be counterproductive too. In fact, we've devoted a lot of carbon dioxide in past episodes to talking about some of the ways pushing yourself - too hard, too often, or just in the wrong way - can cause problems. So consider this episode the balance to every time we've said "maybe you should do less."Here's some of what we're gonna cover:3 kinds of days: how to know how hard you can goHow to plan training intensity around your life15 (we counted!) ways to increase the intensity of a training sessionThe best part is that almost none of those tactics require much prep, and you won't have to psych yourself up or go snort a bunch of protein powder first either. You can start our session and, if you're feeling good to go, push yourself a little harder, to whatever degree necessary. Pushing yourself tends to be more of a