

Subscribe to Social Business Engine Apple Podcasts |Stitcher |Google Play | Google Podcasts Every organization needs to increase lead generation. This episode highlights an incredibly creative way one B2B company increased lead generation. What did they use? An ink and paper coloring book for compliance professionals. Bernie’s guest is Sean Freidlin. Sean is currently Senior Product Marketing Manager at Hanzo. But, when this episode was recorded, Sean was Director of Proposition Marketing at SAI Global- the company whose content marketing campaign is highlighted in this conversation. In his role with SAI Global, Sean was instrumental in many key campaigns. He spearheaded the creation of "Compliance Officer Day", "Corporate Compliance and Culture Cards," AND….the subject of this episode, "The Compliance Coloring Book." You heard that right…The Compliance Coloring Book! In this episode, Sean explains how the idea to create a coloring book for chief compliance officers was born, why it was such a big hit, and ho