

Featured for the third time on a Social Business Engine podcast, is Top 40 Digital Strategist and Top 50 Content Marketer in the World - Ian Cleary. As CEO of RazorSocial, Ian is a social media and marketing tools buff. I’ve enjoyed more than one occasion with Ian at a marketing conference where I’ve seen him speak, teach workshops, and even dance on stage. His website,, is a very popular destination for marketers to stay informed of the seemingly daily changing landscape of social media tools. His site is on my top 5 list and was ranked in the top 10 destinations by Social Media Examiner 2013 through 2015. On this episode, Ian reveals how to navigate your way through over 1,000 tools available, providing a summary of the types of social media and content marketing tools brands should consider. He offers a look through his crystal ball of the trends we should watch in 2016, along with valuable tips you would usually pay for. View the show notes: