Social Business Engine: The Enterprise Podcast On Social Media, Content Marketing, Social Selling And Employee Advocacy.

How Content Curation Makes it Possible for the Modern Marketer to Thrive



Marketers are responsible for creating revenue-producing content every day. In fact, the role of modern marketing has transformed to the point where it is as much about publishing as it is marketing. The level of content production required can make content marketing an overwhelming proposition when handled solely internally. It's easy to miss out on a lot of opportunities if all of your content creation is done in-house. Michael Gerard, Chief Marketing Officer at Curata, suggests looking out to your ecosystem and curating content from experts in your network to help you discover the other types of material your audience is interested in, boost your SEO, save time, save money and generally thrive as a modern marketer.    In this podcast Michael and I discuss Curata's Content Marketing Pyramid and how curated content ties in. The Content Marketing Pyramid is made up of three core levels that are then broken down into a framework of five sections. Tune in to this episode to discover how Curata breaks down the d