Sivana Podcast: Eastern Spirituality, Yoga Philosophy, And Conscious Living

Listening to Ayahuasca - Conversation with Rachel Harris [Episode 102]



It's said that ayahuasca has been used in South America as a plant medicine for thousands of years and we see it experiencing a wave of interest and popularity in an underground movement in the United States. Wanting to know more about this indigenous medicine, our guest Rachel Harris, a trained psychologist, questioned hundreds of people about their ayahuasca experiences here in the United States. What she learned confirms many of the benefits we see from other early research being done on ayahuasca and other entheogenic plant medicines. Are there potential medicinal or therapeutic benefits to drinking ayahuasca? What might our society look like if it had a different view of psychedelics? We explore these questions and more! Psychologist Rachel Harris, PhD is the author of multiple books, including the recently released Listening to Ayahuasca published by New World Library. She received a National Institutes of Health New Investigator's award, has published more than forty scientific studies in peer reviewed