Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

Howard Speaks: Dentists could learn a lot from Costco



Dentists could learn a lot from Sol Price (1916-2009), the founder of Price Club in 1963, which became Costco, which pioneered the membership, absolute pricing authority, warehouse store retail model. The membership model is currently one of the hottest trends in retail. A store that tries to be all things to all people will end up being nothing to anyone. A retailer reflecting honesty, credibility, and a definite direction that can be understood by its customers and vendors will have a good chance to make it. Costco’s 3 Business Categories: Personnel, Product & Facilities. Costco’s 6 rules: Have the right kind, in the right place, at the right time, in the right quantity, in the right condition, at the right price. Costco counts on very significant productivity because they pay high wages and benefits. If you buy into the concept that Costco is the low-cost provider of goods and services and also pay the highest wages in retail and have the richest benefit plan, then we must be getting better productivit