Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

Howard Speaks: Dentistry could learn a lot from Sanford I. Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup.



Dentistry could learn a lot from Sanford I. Weill, the former CEO of Citigroup who tried to join the Air Force until his application was denied by a dentist after examining his teeth. His major break on Wall Street came with a mundane job doing g the paperwork behind the brokers trades. Sandys success with Citigroup came from mastering the back office mundane details of Wall Street trading, banking, insurance, and finance creating value from the knowledge and details of accounting, record keeping, and every other mundane task that was mostly unknown to all the major CEOs. How many dentists could do every task from scheduling an appointment to billing the dental insurer company. Sandy Weill fired Jamie Dimon when he was 66 years old because Jamie wanted to be CEO and then Sandy retired four years later, and in that time, the ship of Citi was wrecked. Young associates share this same issue working for older dentists who swear they are about to retire, it’s never in writing, the older dentists keep delaying thei