Dentistry Uncensored With Howard Farran

54 The Birth of the Kona Adapter with Mark Frias, RDH : Dentistry Uncensored with Howard Farran



Mark Frias, RDH, works at a busy office.  When he first saw the Isolite system, he realized how valuable it would be to have hands-free suction as a hygienist.  He bought an Isolite system himself in hopes that his employer would buy one for every operatory.  When the owner refused, Mark took matters into his own hands and created a low cost, portable tubing system that connects to Isolite mouthpieces.  Now he is looking to scale production and monetize his design.  Listen to his journey in today's episode. - Mark's website for the Kona Adapter - Mark's blog for product reviews, expert interviews, how-to videos and general thoughts  Contact Mark at or via his profile: konarocky