Spot On

INSPIRATIONS_0028 God Blesses Abundantly



INSPIRATIONS_0028 God Blesses Abundantly Hosts-Bridgette Mongeon, Christina Diliberto and Barbara Ingersoll Listening time approximately 26.19 minutes SHOW NOTES The listening family of the Generations podcast has followed along with our lives. In July 08 Chris talked about the new stage she was entering as she became engaged. She also talks, in past podcasts, about meeting her boyfriend’s mother who would one day be her mother in-law. You also may recall hearing about her engagement and another podcasts talks about what premarital counseling is like. Today we celebrate with her as she tells us how God answered so many prayers in her wedding celebration. God did some pretty incredible work of answering prayers through several special vendors.   We would like to be sure to recognize them for their contribution. Tulsa Historical Society - Brenda Horan Photography- Smart Photobooth- Lady bug florists http:/