Marriage University With Tina Haisman

Getting Unstuck



Have you ever felt stuck? Maybe in your career. With finances. In a relationship. With your health. Are you struggling and looking for direction on something? Are you waiting on God for something? Are you wondering what the next right step is? I think we all been there in our lives. That is why I am excited to welcome Amy Joob to the podcast to talk about getting unstuck.  Amy is an author who recently published her second book, Unstuck Step Into the New: A 40 Day Prayer Journal. Join us to hear how Amy learned to get unstuck from her challenges in life and how you can, too. Friends, You can find Amy’s website at You can order her 40-day devotional on Amazon. Her Youtube channel is called Esther and Mordecai Generation. If you would like more inspiration, download my Ultimate Guide to Guilt-Free Self-Care HERE! And join us in The A Life Designed Community on Facebook!