Retail Gets Real

#188 Emerging trends from the pandemic



COVID-19 has accelerated retail and shaped behavior for all consumers, from gen-Z to baby boomers. In just a few short months, we've seen soaring demand for essential products like toilet paper and we've stocked up on merchandise like toys and cooking supplies that brought us comfort and entertainment while in quarantine. We opted for contactless payments, increased shopping via mobile apps, and celebrated holidays like Easter and Mother's Day from a social distance. We also saw retailers expand digital offerings to help us get the items we need right now through methods like curbside pickup and buy online, pick up in store. As retailers continue to create omnichannel experiences that transform the way we buy, how are consumers changing? And what trends are here to stay? Susan Reda, Vice President of Content Strategy, and Jill Dvorák, VP of Content and Retail Strategy at NRF, join us to examine the retailer and consumer journey since the onset of the coronavirus and what these noteworthy trends could mean for