Choice Conversations

Why I Don't Worry About Politics Anymore



Do you worry about politics? Do you spend a lot of time arguing about it? How is that working out for you? In today's episode, you'll find an appearance I made on the Flagship Freedom podcast. Within, I discuss how I use to be very concerned with politics, but was disappointed in what I was getting out it. A lot of time and emotional energy spent, with nothing in return. If anything, it was making my life worse! I had anxiety over things I had no control over, and was getting in arguments with people who I otherwise got along with! I now spend my time and effort on what really matters: making my world a better place. Find out how I rose above politics. Find out how I empowered myself. Click the purple play button above and give the show a listen!   The Fall of Stefan Molyneux series:  http://choiceconversations