Choice Conversations

Optimal Strength Training. My Life series part 6



In this episode of the My Life series, I talk about the role strength training plays in optimal living. What are the benefits of strength training? How has my strength training routine changed over the years? How do I motivate myself to work out? What exercises do I do in order to improve functional mobility, reduce injury, and age gracefully? I cover all of this and more. You won't want to miss it! Here's what my exercise routine looks like over the course of an average week, as discussed during the episode: Days 1 through 6 Stretches (yoga, sitting solution) - 10 to 15 minutes Calisthenics (push ups, pull ups, handstand push ups, squats, plank) - 1 set/exercise until failure, 5 to 10 minutes Walk - 60+ minutes One of the following: Sprints - 3 days/week, 8 sprints/day, 30 seconds/sprint Restorative exercises (sitting solution, yoga, gymnastic strength training) - 2 days/week, 60 minutes Mow the lawn (push mower that is not self-propelling, hilly yard) - 1 day/week, 45 minutes Day 7 (a day of rest)