Choice Conversations

Episode 45 - Growing Health - Chris Bedford Returns



Chris Bedford discusses his current film, which is still in production and will be released Labor Day 2010. The idea of the film began from a comment made at his local farmers market that a gentleman was able to cure his asthma through locally grown honey. The story begins there but quickly expands from a narrative of the health benefits of locally grown diet to Peak Oil and it's effect on community and also to a spiritual connection with our world and nature. Steve and Ed question Chris all the way through that journey and get a sense of what Chris is trying to accomplish. One of my favorite moments was when Chris was asked, 'Do know how your film will end?' (or something similiar to that) and Chris says, 'No'. To me that is the true documentary film. The 'End' just emerges from the process of making the film. There is no contrived conclusion that the storyline is weaved around, rather the opposite happens, the story brings forth the solutions/answers/further questions. Getting to the Truth is the goal. You