You Can Hack It

Update - Website is a Go!



The website is officially up! Woho! I finally found out about server side include (thank you Wil), and found some time to make a go of it. Not all the links are up yet (Jon's and I personal pages for example), but all the episodes and external links are working just dandy.The official website is now are also officially part of Spooky Outhouse, and I would like to thank David Pinilla for welcoming us to the communitty there. We are looking forward to being supporting, and supporting our fellow podcasters there.Christmas is fast approaching, and it does not look like our forum space will be up before then, but look for it in the new year (Spooky Outhouse Forums)! This will be where we will be soliciting feeback for all our episodes. So just hold a bit longer, and then you will be able to inundate us with your thoughts, feelings, and generally feedbackery.Merry Christmas all, and look for Episode 9 coming out in a few days (I have included a promo add we did for our podcast, just