Poetry Moment

A Book of Nonsense, part 9 by Edward Lear



There was an Old Person of Spain,Who hated all trouble and pain;So he sate on a chairwith his feet in the air,That umbrageous Old Person of Spain.There was an Old Man who said, “Well!Will nobody answer this bell?I have pulled day and night,till my hair has grown white,But nobody answers this bell!”There was an Old Man with an Owl,Who continued to bother and howl;He sat on a rail,and imbibed bitter ale,Which refreshed that Old Man and his Owl.There was an Old Man in a casement,Who held up his hands in amazement;When they said, “Sir, you’ll fall!”he replied, “Not at all!”That incipient Old Man in a casement.There was an Old Person of Ewell,Who chiefly subsisted on gruel;But to make it more nice,he inserted some Mice,Which refreshed that Old Person of Ewell.There was an Old Man of Peru.Who never knew what he should do;So he tore off his hair,and behaved like a bear,That intrinsic Old Man of Peru.There was an Old Man with a beard,Who said, “It is just as I feared!--Two Owls and a Hen,four Larks and a Wren,Have al