Powerhouse Podcasts

The Lord is Your Defender (Part 2 of 3)



Our friend Charlie Peacock wrote a wonderful song called “Monkeys At The Zoo” to describe those things in our lives that can wreck our personal walk with The Defender.  You may be a perfect Christian, but I definitely am not.  I know what it is like to catch yourself (or to be caught by The Spirit) acting like a monkey in the zoo. Fortunately, we can repent... receive forgiveness... and continue to live within the protection and defense of the Lord. My sacrifice [the sacrifice acceptable] to God is a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart [broken down with sorrow for sin and humbly and thoroughly penitent], such, O God, You will not despise.Psalm 51:17 [AMP] If we [freely] admit that we have sinned and confess our sins, He is faithful and just (true to His own nature and promises) and will forgive our sins [dismiss our lawlessness] and [continuously] cleanse us from all unrighteousness [everything not in conformity to His will in purpose, thought, and action].1 John 1:9 [AMP] Go