Art Chat Podcast

Episode 098 Just Like Magic



Recorded: 2 September, 2013Participants: Steve Harlow, Emory Holmes II, Jim "Jimmy The Peach" Aaron, Ruth Parson, Allan Ludwig.AudioDownload Mp3 Allan discusses Kickstarter as a means of raising money for art projects.Steve says there's been a few movie projects from known professionals that have raised multible million dollar budgets on Kickstarter.Jim asks if the entire budget goal is not pledged within the proposed time period, does Kickstarter keep it?No, Steve explains. If the budget is not reached, none of those pledging a contribution need to pay.Allan recalls that Julie Dermansky used a diffferent service, IndieGogo. She asked for $2000 for a reporting trip and got $500. That's better than nothing.Steve says on IndieGogo, the person gets whatever money is pledged, even when the proposed budget is not reached. He says the Kickstarter model is better for the investors, because they can be assured that they will only be contributing to projects that have reached their budget.Allan says people would