Art Chat Podcast

Episode 095 - The Road Traveled



Recorded: 12 August, 2013Participants: Steve Harlow, Emory Holmes II, Jim "Jimmy The Peach" Aaron, Ruth Parson, Allan Ludwig, Ferrie Differentieel, Anneke van de Kassteele.AudioDownload Mp3 Desmond says being moderator for this episode, "really went to his head." He will lead the discussion on travel, what it means for us.There are two kinds of travel, that which feeds the soul and that which is academic or work related and so, does not contribute to substantially to our development.Desmond says he loves travel because he can see people, similar to him, acting in different circumstances. He recalls reading a book by Nevil Shute which included the suggestion that democracy could be furthered by requiring education and travel as prerequisite for voting. Desmond says he thinks people who have traveled, generally, have a more empathetic view of humankind. David says he is not much of a traveler. He's never been on the European continent. He went to China once, to act in a propanda film made by the Red Army.