Clarity On Fire

Dear Krachel: How do I let myself want more than I think I deserve?



Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.   This month we answered questions from:   Dee, who recently went through a tough breakup with someone that she thought was “it.” She’s someone who’s cautious and does her vetting before getting into a relationship, so she’s upset about not seeing this coming. How can she trust herself in the future when she gets a “knowing” about someone? Chelsea, who serves us up a philosophical question about … questions. Namely, how to ask good ones. If finding life’s big answers depends on asking good questions, then how do we ask questions that actually get us somewhere, rather than spiraling into anxiety loops and making no progress?  Serena, who’s been looking for a job for a while, and recently got offered an 8/10. It’s OK, but it’s not exactly what she wants … and now she feels g