The Baking Podcast

The Baking Podcast Ep30: Inverted Puff Pastry and the Pithivier



General Chit Chat until Minute 4:00! Fasten your seatbelt folks, this is a heavy episode! We tackle Inverted puff pastry (where you laminate with the butter on the OUTSIDE of the dough); we also talk you through how to make pastry and almond cream to make the ultimate frangipane. AND finally culminating in the ultimate dessert the French Pithivier.  Amaze your friends and family in tackling this splendid dessert. Yes, there are a lot of steps, but each step isn't difficult on its own.  Taunya & Melody are happy to name this week’s BAD ASS BAKER AWARD! If you would like to be a badass baker join our facebook group “The Baking Podcast” and post your triumphs, challenges, and fails, all 3 of these things lead to badassness! You can also email us your pics and story or tag us on Instagram! The sisters also give an update on the business. You can email the sisters at would LOVE to hear from you!   The Recipes: Inverted puff pastry Dough (Detrempt) 10 oz flour 3.75 oz water 2.25