The Baking Podcast

The Baking Podcast EP 28: Introducing French Parfait; Better than Ice Cream!



French Parfait is a new found passion for the sisters in this week’s episode! Besides being much richer and complex than ice cream, making it at home does not require an ice cream machine! Score! Taunya & Melody are happy to name this week’s BAD ASS BAKER AWARD! If you would like to be a badass baker join our facebook group “The Baking Podcast” and post your triumphs, challenges, and fails, all 3 of these things lead to badassness! You can also email us your pics and story or tag us on Instagram! The sisters also give an update on the business. You can email the sisters at would LOVE to hear from you! Now on to the recipe: French Parfait! Ingredients: 1 cup cold heavy cream 1/3 cup sugar 2 tbs water 5 large egg yolks 2 tsp espresso powder Preparation: NOTE: Get everything measured, and prepared before beginning! Line a 9” loaf pan with plastic wrap (it should cover all sides and spill over the top Whip the heavy cream until soft peaks, with stand or hand mixer, transfer t