Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

[Re-Upload] DEBORAH McDIARMID Says Baby Boomers Are At The Crest Of A New Wave Of Opportunity - Why You Should Ride The Wave of a Second Chance By Starting A Business After 50 – But What ? - Mature Preneurs Talk



Deb McDiarmid was following her dream of living around the world and working in the Hospitality industry, when she was suddenly faced with a challenge she had no idea how to deal with. In fact it’s a challenge many over 50’s are faced with today. It can be a terrifying lonely time.  When this life-changing event occurred, Deb was living on a luxury resort in the small island nation of the Maldives and immersed in her challenging senior management role however, but there was a storm brewing in paradise. Eventually the extreme working hours and stress levels finally took their toll. Deb suffered burn out and then had to bail out of her 30-year Hotel Management career. After regrouping, she was faced with questions about where to live and what to do, but with an ardent desire to start a business, but what? She had no idea what type of business to start or even if that’s what she wanted to do. How can you find what you want to do when you don’t know what you want to do, so she kept exploring. Then one day she rea