Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

KAREN MAGILL Was Disabled By Multiple Sclerosis And Recognised She Couldn’t Do Anything About That, But Almost Daily She Would See & Hear of People Choosing to Disable Themselves ... With Debt



Karen worked for the Canadian federal government as a tax collector until one day she woke up partially paralysed on one side of her body. Nine days after that, she was diagnosed with MS and ended up on disability, taking a 30% cut in pay, and 2 years later filed for bankruptcy. You think that would be the end of it but when Karen was able to get credit again, she found herself spending the same way as before.  Karen says no doubt others reading and hearing this can relate but this time it was going to stop she recognised her self-destructive behaviour and worked hard to get control of her debt.  Later realizing she wasn’t alone in this behaviour, Karen thought she could be of service, using her experience as a tax collector, a bookkeeper and life experience to help others avoid continual drowning in debt and possibly by doing that she might even get herself off of disability. In early fifties coaching became Karen’s focus and helping others to avoid the pitfalls she encountered. It’s a very common and wonder