Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

SAS JACOBS Says When You Follow Your Passion, Your Dreams, You Need to Be Open to Change, & Learn to Be Flexible, She Had To Learn to Make Cheese, Keep Bees While Dealing With A Lot of Heavy Mud



Sas says her previous life as a software developer, being a published author of 7 books on programming and speaker at many International conferences on related topics, didn’t really prepare her for the life she longed for – a simple life in the country with her family chasing her dreams of one day opening a sustainable café on a large area of land in the country. Leaving city life for four years, Sas and her husband worked 7 days per week and fell into bed exhausted most nights.  Overcoming the opposition of neighbours and lots of red tape to achieve their dream and open their café, Swan Valley Gourmet Café, in Western Australia, they finally were able to fulfil selling food made with items grown on their farm. Living in an unfinished house the café is now steadily growing in popularity and has become a hub for community initiatives. Having a strong commitment to community, Sas set up a local sustainability group that boasts over 4000 members. An experienced workshop presenter, she runs sessions on topics as