Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

Deanne Hardwick alias Deezelmama – Suggests Your First 50 Years Has Given You The Skills & Licence Needed For The Next 50 Where Daring To Be Different is Open To Your Imagination



In her 51st year Deezelmama, Birthed A Record Label Named Underfoot. Born out of her frustration that the fabulous music her Producer husband was creating wasn’t being released. Deanne recognised the artists were struggling to take their music to the next step, while working day jobs and playing nights, in an industry full of fads, bright new things, and everchanging approaches to how music is delivered and distributed.  Possessing a quick mind, unique skills, lots of available time, De as she is known by her friends, was up for a challenge. Marrying a musician in 1986, she ran away from the nine-to-five-world in the late 90's, parking her Economics Degree for the practicality of the family Removals business. Three decades of marriage, music, raising children & burying parents – plus another 20 years of various career incarnations, experiments and creative sidetracks gave De the diverse skills needed to own and manage the record label.  Getting a kick out of nurturing creativity, the times of performances