Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

BEVERLEY SEARLE Is Often Asked, ‘What Made You Go To University At 48, Then Spend 9 Years Getting 4 Degrees’ - Attempted Rape, And Horrendous Abuse As A Child, Did. - Mature Preneurs Talk



Beverley became determined to dedicate her life’s work to alleviating mental disorders caused by trauma; now she’s achieved that with documented scientific evidence being released now. The attempted rape experience triggered off flashbacks of horrendous abuse as a child, which had been locked away in her deep sub-conscious. Those flashbacks caused extreme anxiety/panic/depression; the psychiatrists said she was hallucinating and prescribed heavy medication. Finally able to get collaboration for some of her flashbacks, she knew what she saw was real, but the medical model could not provide answers, and this became the trigger to search for a way to get well. It took 10 years. A story of sheer tenacity and perseverance, Beverley researched, attended conferences on PTSD and volunteered for 7 years in mental health organisations. Listen to Beverley’s podcast as she describes a profound meeting she had that became the catalyst for her to develop a 9 step formula called ‘My Envisioned Mind’ (My.EM) which now many p