Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

STEPHEN PETERSON Believes Retirement Does Not Mean Slowing Down, Fading Away, Rather the Opposite, a Positive New Vital Energizing Life - Mature Preneurs Talk



Retirement for some does mean slowing down, but that’s not the case for Stephen Peterson. It means making a fresh start, trying something new, a range of new interests, and grasping those with open arms and seeing where they all take you. Being Open. You could be in for positive surprise he says. By the time we all reach 50, change may have been a recurring theme but arriving at that so called ‘5 0’ also means you have a blank canvas in front of you ready for you to paint it however you want. That is if you want to view this new life chapter that way and that’s the best way. The baby boomer generation impacted on every aspect of society we came in contact with through the decades and, says Stephen we haven’t finished yet. Now we’re changing the very concept of life as we mature further get energized finding some incredible ways to live life.  In western society many over 50’s are doing all that and is why this demographic represents the largest in marketing history for starting new businesses or ventures of s