Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

KEVIN HUHN Talks About How to Reinvent Midlife Dreams - dreams are not about size or grandeur, but their inspiration and benefit to others.



Kevin Huhn says many mid-lifers today are finding themselves pushing against the wall never thinking life would ‘turn out like this’. Kevin knows he was there too. With so many things to sort out, having a plan for rediscovering their passion and purpose seemed and seems, a distant goal or one they have never contemplated. There is definitely a ‘greener side’ to midlife just as Mature Preneurs guests show on this Podcast Program they have turned their life around, Kevin did, the host of this program did and you can too. How did Kevin do it, how can you do it, is the big question. Traveling through Canada for a year, he set out to meet mid-lifers connecting the findings with his ten year long research to uncover basic concepts of life. Yes Kevin reached his boyhood dream of success in his pro hockey career but realized that his dream did not end there, he had an even bigger dream. You’ll need to listen to the podcast to learn more about all that. As a result of all his research Kevin launched his company ‘Be Y