Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

ALAN STEVENS Went From Mortgage Broker to Massage, Sound & Colour Therapist to Becoming the Leading Global Authority on Reading People



Alan Stevens Asks how many people reach 50 only to realise they’ve lived their life to other people’s expectations and needs? Alan realised that on his 50th birthday he had not fulfilled his dreams. That ‘Ah Ah’ moment came when he decided to change his focus to himself, which he quickly says is not being selfish. Sounding like a fictional journey rather than being real, he took a big about turn, one that many people ache to do but are afraid of doing. From motorbikes to free fall sky diving to his spiritual journey into Aboriginal Lore on to studying Massage, Aromatherapy, Sound and Colour Therapies, Alan has had an eternal fascination of why people do what they do. So he set about gaining other new skills to enable him to read a person’s personality, emotions and character all from their non-verbal language. Achieving all that he’s trains teachers in USA Europe and Australia how to use sound and colour therapies with children with ADHD, and to use the same skills to improve teacher’s lives and those of thei