Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

CYNTHIA JONES Says Overcoming Big Challenges Can Open Up New Doors - you see things differently through new refreshed eyes - Mature Preneurs Talk



Too many people are suffering in silence says Cynthia Jones.  Each of us have different struggles but the will to survive is in all of us, although sometimes it is a bit hard to muster up, yet it will emerge, just allow it to. Surviving four open-heart surgeries was the greatest battle of her life. Out of ‘commission’ for many years the second major battle was finding her way back into the ministry and business, which meant basically starting over again.  Often overcoming big challenges can open up new doors because you see things differently. You are refreshed and have a good story to tell, with an unrelenting determination to succeed. This was the case with Cynthia Jones, an author and preacher. Throughout this podcast Cynthia talks about how strong we all are, surprisingly so and by being tenacious you can move forward mentally and physically. In fact you want to say goodbye to being tired and unwell. And you can. No one can do that for you; you need to do it within you or even with the help from your own