Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-banks

COLLEEN KOCHANNEK learned how to help women over 50 launch an online business simply - Mature Preneurs Talk



Colleen Kochannek says any woman who wants to launch an online business but is mystified as to how to achieve that without technology overwhelm needs to listen to today’s podcast. Colleen Kochannek is the founder of, helping women over 50 launch successful online businesses.  Launching her first business, a local online magazine, and having a completely overwhelming experience, Colleen knew there had to be an easier way having seen so many of her peers, women over 50, struggling to launch their own online businesses. Once she ‘figured it out’ and got her online magazine to a successful place, today’s guest dissected what it really took to create a successful online business and then developed a simple business launching system designed exclusively for women on the feisty side of 50. Colleen’s goal is to help every woman over 50, who wants to launch an online business, to do so the easiest way possible. This podcast is packed full of powerful positive information and toward the end toda