Rich Cleaner Podcast

“What RICH Cleaners Do, That BROKE Cleaners Don’t.”



In this episode, Timothy shares a single distinction that when implemented, changes broke Cleaners/entrepreneurs, to RICH Cleaners/entrepreneurs. Show Notes Think & Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. What is the single distinctions advanced in the podcast that makes all the difference in the world? How to turn adversity into big opportunity. How to turn failure into something good. Every adversity has a seed for an equivalent or greater benefit. There is adversity in your life right now that can be turned to equal or greater benefit. People Mentioned Napoleon Hill Andrew Carnegie Joe Polish Robin Sharma Stephen R. Covey Billy Graham Walt Disney Joel Osteen Tom Hopkins Miles Davis Napoleon Sean Stephenson Dale Carnegie Zig Ziglar William Shakespeare Dieter F. Uchtdorf Albert Einstein Benjamin Franklin Book mentioned Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The RICH CLEANER System, by Joe Polish Rich Cleaner is a program for Cleaners, Restorers and other entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a high