Rich Cleaner Podcast

You Can Become Rich - Just Like the 3-Foot Giant Did



In this episode, Timothy shares how Sean Stephenson’s life and legacy can help Cleaners and others become RICH – in business – and in all areas of life. Show Notes   How Sean Stephenson’s live and legacy can make you rich. Rich doesn’t just mean financial wealth. A tribute to Sean Stephenson, who passed away August 28, 2019. Sean’s memorial service, and Joe Polish’s comments about Sean Sean’s favorite quote: “This is not done to me, it’s done for me,” and how it applies to business and to every listener to this podcast. You can overcome whatever the odds are against you.  The experts can be wrong. Sean’s purpose was to rid the world of insecurity. Live with a sense of humor (Sean’s stand-up comedy) The power of love.  How all of this applies to YOUR business becoming more successful.  Some of Sean’s famous quotes. To get involved with the ELITE CLEANERS program: People Mentioned   Sean Stephenson Gregg and Gloria Stephenson (Sean’s parents) Joe