Rich Cleaner Podcast

Likes, Fans, and Money from Facebook



In Episode 13, Joe and Joel interview Amy Porterfield and they discuss: The three reasons why it’s important to have Likes and Fans on Facebook (and how to quickly turn Likes into Leads with a simple 1 minute video) Facebook 101: The key steps to follow when working with your Personal Profile and Fan Pages (and the perfect number of posts you should make per day), The strategy and etiquette to use when ‘friending’ and ‘unfriending’ people, and the biggest concerns and issues you must be aware of when it comes to online privacy and Facebook privacy When you should and shouldn’t have multiple Facebook pages (and a unique way to use Facebook groups to offer exclusivity to your customers) Amy shares her best ‘Facebook Time Management’ advice How to make money with Facebook using Facebook ads (and the three types of ads you should use)