Polyhedron - A Rpg Discussion Podcast

Polyhedron Ep. 74 - "What happened that night?" w/ Matt Webb



A little bird told us about this amazing event out in Texas that brings Live Action to a whole new level. So strap in and put on those fangs, because it is time to talk with Matt Webb.The Night In QuestionJackalope Live Action StudiosCyberpunk: Night CityChicago By Night KSiTunes Google Play Music! (If you don't see our logo, just hit the "Listen Now" button)StitcherEmail: Polyhedronpodcast@gmail.comTwitter: Matthew (@bioimportance), Scott (@divismalkav), Ryan (@rjuous), Matt Webb (@JackalopeLARP) @PolyhedroncastPatreon: http://patreon.com/polyhedronRSS Feed: LinkReddit: Link