Understanding The Scriptures

Ch. 7 - The Exodus



In this lesson, Carson explains the background of the narrative in the Book of Exodus, which in turn sheds light upon the story we read. Moses is presented as a New Noah, and early events in his life prefigure his vocation as liberator and ruler/judge of Israel. The 10 Plagues God wrought against Egypt through his servant and prophet Moses were not so much a demonstration of God's power - as if God were flexing his muscles - but more so are divine judgments upon the false idolatrous gods of Egypt. For example, the Nile was worshipped by the Egyptians as a god, and when its waters are turned to blood, the significance is that of God slaying this false Egyptian god. You will discover more typology in this lesson that will once again point to Jesus and the salvation he delivers for his New Covenant Family as the New Moses, especially as St. Paul teaches in the tenth chapter of his First Epistle to the Corinthians. The event of the exodus of Israel through the Red Sea prefigures Christian baptism. The manna