Pixels & Ink

Pixels & Ink: Episode 344— Rising to the Occasion



In this week's Pixels & Ink Podcast: Jordan sits down with Chris and Lane to talk a little about their April Fools—despite the current times making April Fools seem just a little in bad taste, there's no reason why the gang can't take a trip down memory lane to a time when it was a little bit more creative, and bit more appropriate; particularly with prank videogame announcements. Afterwards, the tone turns morose as the P&I crew has to discuss the tragic loss of one of videogames' most iconic characters: Super Mario. As March 31st, 2021 marked the "Day Mario Died," the gang talks a little about how incredibly stupid the whole online hyperbole was. Afterwards, the gang talks a little about the newest casting announcements for the upcoming Disney+ Obi-Wan pre-sequel series, which spins out into some crazy theories about Obi-Wan being a Force Ghost the whole time, and all kinds of other fun Star Wars talk. To bring the whole thing home, Jordan talks about Monster Hunter Rise—how the new mechanics work