The Thronin Podcast

thr033 Joseph Darrah



Joseph ‘Brokenfeather’ Darrah is a living treasure of the throwing arts community. Based in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, Joe has an international reputation as a master knife maker, as an Ambassador of Thunk and he is a 10 time World Champion title holder in his own right. Co-founder of the IKTHOF, life time supporter of the AKTA and a plethora of other clubs, societies and groups, Joe is recognised across the world as one of the most generous and tirelessly thoughtful throwers out there. In this interview Joe touches on his early induction into the throwing scene by his father at the tender age of 5. He goes on to share a whole host of stories gleaned from his half century of experience as a thrower and maker of throwing knives - needless to say the time flew! This is an interview I have looked forward to since I first started the Thronin podcast and it was an honour to get to know this larger than life, giant-hearted man a little better.