The Whole Truth With Jill Rosensweig

Is Adnan Syed Entitled to a New Trial?



In the 23rd episode of this podcast, Attorney Rosensweig discusses the recent petition that was filed in the Supreme Court by Adnan Syed's attorneys.  In that petition, Syed's lawyers are pressing for him to get a new trial based upon the argument that his 6th amendment right to effective assistance of counsel was violated when his attorney failed to call an alibi witness who could confirm that Adnan Syed was at the library during the exact 20 minute window in which the prosecution was claiming he murdered his ex-girlfriend in a Best Buy parking lot.  Did the Maryland Court of Appeals get it wrong when they decided Syed was not prejudiced by his lawyer failing to present this key witness at trial?  Could the Maryland Court of Appeals ignore the well-established standard of evaluating prejudice and deny Syed the right to a new trial by coming up with this hypothetical that a jury might have ignored the prosecution's timeline and convicted Syed anyway? Ms. Rosensweig discusses all of this and mor